IMR CCAMS Study Reveals Educating Consumers about Transmissions Could Lead to Increased Business

A vast majority (84.3 percent) of DIFM customers report that failure is the primary reason they’ve had their transmission repaired. Focusing on preventative maintenance represents a great opportunity for retailers and independent repair shops. By showing their customers the importance of preventative transmission maintenance and properly marketing to their customers, retailers and repair shops could see an immediate increase in their transmission work.

“Our CCAMS survey reveals that either consumers may not be very aware of the importance of the transmission to their vehicle or this is an area where routine maintenance checks fall short at the shops when almost 85 percent say the transmission fails before they get it repaired,” said Bill Thompson, president and CEO of IMR Inc. “Repair shops and retailers could really develop loyal customers, and increased business, by educating their customers about the importance of preventative transmission service.”

For over 40 years, IMR Inc. has been an industry leader in automotive research and conducts syndicated and proprietary market research studies that focus on automotive parts and services, repair shops, technicians, accessories and vehicle technology trends. To find out how IMR research can help your business, call 630-654-1079, e-mail or call 630.572.0240 or visit


IMR Transmission--Why Service or Repair Was Done


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